A Bearish S&P-500

s&p-500 scan swing trade Jan 29, 2021

Friday, 1.29.2021:

The S&P-500 broke through some key levels of recent support today.  This is a 2-hour chart showing the S&P-500 at the end of the trading day:

This is important both for day trading and swing trading since we want to trade within the context of the market sentiment.

One of the tools I use to objectively measure trends for indices, currencies, and stocks is a simple scan.  I use all kinds of scans.  But the following snip shows my weekly/daily/1-hour scan of the SPY:

The scan is divided into 10 separate measurements with 10 checkmarks for each division of time.  As this scan shows, we are fully bearish on the right 1-hour checkmarks and slightly mixed on the weekly and daily checkmarks.  On balance, the SPY is now in Bearish territory with a Bear rating of 66%.

I find that these scans are helpful to help me quickly sort through a large number of stocks.  It also gives me an objective view of current trends.  This is important since we can sometimes talk ourselves into believing something about a stock, regardless of the objective analysis.

Here is a scan of the 10 most Bearish optionable stocks in the market at this time:

Hope you have a great weekend.


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